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Beasiswa Orange Knowledge Program Short Courses, Belanda

Saat ini sangat banyak kesempatan untuk menimba ilmu, baik dalam negeri maupun pendidikan ke luar negeri. Dengan adanya beasiswa akan semakin membuka lebar kesempatan bagi pelajar Indonesia. Banyak program beasiswa yang diberikan, bukan hanya oleh pemerintah, tetapi juga yayasan luar negeri untuk membantu mencerdaskan anak bangsa, termasuk menjalin kerja sama antar negara, dan mendukung generasi muda yang profesional untuk menimba ilmu.

Program beasiswa yang diberikan bahkan mulai dari jenjang SMA sederajat, S1, S2, hingga S3. Setiap negara juga memberikan beasiswa dengan cakupan/tanggungan yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang menanggung sebagian kebutuhan penerima beasiswa, namun banyak pula yang menanggung secara keseluruhan kebutuhan mereka. 

Berbagai program juga ditawarkan. Ada yang memberikan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dan kepemimpinan di negara lain, kesempatan magang untuk beberapa bulan, kursus pendek, hingga melanjutkan pendidikan Sarjana dan Magister, bahkan Doktoral.

Karena itu, bagi yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah, maupun sementara kuliah yang berencana ingin menikmati pendidikan di luar negeri, bisa mencoba beberapa beasiswa pertukaran pelajar yang masih tersedia hingga akhir tahun. Salah satunya ProgramOrange Knowledge Programme (OKP).

The Orange Knowledge Programme aims to contribute to a society's sustainable and inclusive development. Its scholarships are open to mid-career professionals in specific countries (in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam eligible.)

About this scholarship

The Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) offers scholarships funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs available for a selection of:

  • short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months);

  • master's programmes (duration 12 to 24 months).


A limited number of scholarships is awarded to female and male professionals who are:

  • motivated;

  • living and working in an OKP country;

  • proficient in English or French;

  • working in one of the priority areas for their country;

  • can motivate using and transferring their knowledge and experience in their employing organisation after their studies;

  • agreeing to the OKP obligations and conditions (133.9 kB).

For more information on the general eligibility criteria please read:

OKP information for applicants (168.8 kB) (168.8 kB)



You need English or French language skills to follow classes in the Netherlands. Demands for certificates showing language skills differ per education institution. 

Priority themes per country

The main priority areas of the Orange Knowledge Programme are;

  • sexual and reproductive health and rights

  • security and rule of law

  • food and nutrition security

  • water management

There are focus areas for each country. Please note that these focus areas, as well as the list of countries is subject to change. Only applications that fall within the focus area of your country of employment are eligible. 

Is your field of experience eligible for funding? Please check the Country focus document.

Employer statement

You need an employer statement that is signed by you and your employer. It shows us that your employer supports your application. And that you can share the knowledge and experience you gained in the Netherlands once you return to your country. This is required because the OKP is focused onstrengthening organisations by strengthening people.

Government statement

If you are a civil servant, it might be necessary to sign a government statement. This certifies the support of your government for your OKP application.

Please check whether your local government requires a government statement:

Government statement requirements 

Other requirements

The education institution will inform you on the requirements needed for your application. As this scholarship is for working professionals, applications from students will not be taken into consideration. In order to apply for one of the courses you must motivate:

  • that you work within the priority themes for your country as mentioned above;

  • how the courses will strengthen both you and the organisation you work for;

  • how you will use your newly gained knowledge and experience in your organisation after your study.

How to apply

You cannot apply online on this website. Please follow the steps below and apply through the Dutch education institution of your choice. 

  1. Check if your application falls within the OKP focus areas determined for your country. 

  2. Check if you meet the OKP eligibility criteria.

  3. Find a course on the OKP course list. Please find a study, using the filter 'Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP)'.

  4. Ask your employer whether they are willing to nominate you for an OKP scholarship.

  5. Contact the Dutch education institution of your choice to receive more information about the application procedure, the academic requirements and the link to apply online. 

  6. Prepare your application: employer statement, motivation, passport, government statement (if required).

  7. During an application round, submit your application online using the link you receive from the Dutch education institution. Please be aware of the application deadline of the educational institution of your choice. 

Deadlines of application rounds

You can only apply for a scholarship during an open application round.

The following rounds are expected for 2022: 

Round 3 - for short courses

- Accepting applications between 31 August – 11 October 16.00 CET.

- Courses should start from 20 February 2023 onward and must be completed before 31 August 2023.

At the moment there is no information available on future OKP scholarship application rounds for 2023. Similarly, there is no information available on application rounds for OKP Master scholarships. Currently, the application round above (Round 3) is the last official opportunity for OKP scholarships. 

Deadlines per institution

Please note that educational institutions may set a shorter deadline for application. Please consult your educational institution for the exact deadlines.

Selection procedure

The procedure is as follows:

1. Candidates register with their Dutch education institution

2. Dutch institution nominates candidates and submits grant application

3. Embassies check eligibility and assess applications

4. Selection results available for Dutch education institutions 

5. Grants awarded through Dutch education institutions

Results of applications are announced 3 to 4 months after application. The Dutch education institution through which you applied for the scholarship will contact you on the results of your application. 

Do you need help? 

Please contact the Dutch education institution where you want to study on questions regarding your application for the OKP scholarship.

In order to receive help, it is essential to decide where you want to study and what course you want to do. Education institutions can give you more information on the various steps involved in the application and selection procedures, as well as the eligibility criteria. 

You can find contact information for the Dutch institutions in the database of study programmes.

Events on studying in the Netherlands 

Do you want to study in the Netherlands? Join one of the online Study in Holland fairs free of charge. For more information and registration, please visit the events page.